Agenda 2023

24th January

Lecture Day

"Fluorescent chemical probes to visualize disease-relevant proteins"

Dr. Marc Nazaré, FMP Berlin 

7th February

Lecture Day

"PUVA (Psoralen + UVA) Therapy in the Light of Time Resolved Spectroscopy"

Prof. Dr. Peter Gilch, 
Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf


Criegee-Hörsaal, B. 30.41,

5.30 pm

7th March


Lecture Day

"Chemical probes to photocontrol cellular processes and to read out redox biology"

Dr. Oliver Seshold,  Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München


Criegee-Hörsaal, B. 30.41,

5.30 pm

1st April Deadline: Semi-annual Report  
27th April Girls'Day KIT, IOC
22nd May Seminar Day: Molecular Dynamics Simulations KIT, B. 30.44

30th May 

- new date -

Lecture Day

"Chemical probes to photocontrol cellular processes and to read out redox biology"

Dr. Oliver Seshold,  Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München


Criegee-Hörsaal, B. 30.41,

5.30 pm

2nd June

Lecture Day

Dr. Jeremy Allen

(Executive Editor of RSC Materials Advances & Nanoscale Advances)

RSC journals and how to prepare a publication


9 - 11 am

21st June - 23rd June GRK Annual Retreat Freudenstadt, Lauterbad
22nd September

Women only!

Schlagfertigkeit für weibliche Führungskräfte

by Burgund Freese

date will follow

Soft skill course:

Interdisciplinary Collaborations

by Stefan Götze (FOR)

1st October Deadline: Semi-annual Report  
7th and 8th November

Women only!

Erstmals Vorgesetzte: Das Führungstraining für Frauen / Das eigene Potenzial erkennen und stärken

28th November

Seminar Day: Zebrafish 

Guest lecture: Shayan Shamipour